// // CSS Photo Shuffler v1.0 by // Carl Camera // http://iamacamera.org // // SetOpacity Function and inpiration from Photo Fade by // Richard Rutter // http://clagnut.com // // License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ // // Customize your photo shuffle settings // // * Surround the target with a
. specify id= in both // * set background-repeat:no-repeat in CSS for the div // * The first and final photo displayed is in the html tag // * The array contains paths to photos you want in the rotation. // If you want the first photo in the rotation, then it's best to // put it as the final array image. All photos must be same dimension // * The rotations variable specifies how many times to repeat array. // images. zero is a valid rotation value. var gblPhotoShufflerDivId = "spacer"; var gblPhotoShufflerImgId = "photoimg"; var gblImg = new Array( 'img/photos/spacer-0.jpg','img/photos/spacer-1.jpg','img/photos/spacer-3.jpg','img/photos/spacer-2.jpg' ); var gblPauseSeconds = 4.25; var gblFadeSeconds = 1.15; var gblRotations = 999; // End Customization section var gblDeckSize = gblImg.length; var gblOpacity = 100; var gblOnDeck = 0; var gblStartImg; var gblImageRotations = gblDeckSize * (gblRotations+1); window.onload = photoShufflerLaunch; function photoShufflerLaunch() { var theimg = document.getElementById(gblPhotoShufflerImgId); gblStartImg = theimg.src; // save away to show as final image document.getElementById(gblPhotoShufflerDivId).style.backgroundImage='url(' + gblImg[gblOnDeck] + ')'; setTimeout("photoShufflerFade()",gblPauseSeconds*1000); } function photoShufflerFade() { var theimg = document.getElementById(gblPhotoShufflerImgId); // determine delta based on number of fade seconds // the slower the fade the more increments needed var fadeDelta = 100 / (30 * gblFadeSeconds); // fade top out to reveal bottom image if (gblOpacity < 2*fadeDelta ) { gblOpacity = 100; // stop the rotation if we're done if (gblImageRotations < 1) return; photoShufflerShuffle(); // pause before next fade setTimeout("photoShufflerFade()",gblPauseSeconds*1000); } else { gblOpacity -= fadeDelta; setOpacity(theimg,gblOpacity); setTimeout("photoShufflerFade()",30); // 1/30th of a second } } function photoShufflerShuffle() { var thediv = document.getElementById(gblPhotoShufflerDivId); var theimg = document.getElementById(gblPhotoShufflerImgId); // copy div background-image to img.src theimg.src = gblImg[gblOnDeck]; // set img opacity to 100 setOpacity(theimg,100); // shuffle the deck gblOnDeck = ++gblOnDeck % gblDeckSize; // decrement rotation counter if (--gblImageRotations < 1) { // insert start/final image if we're done gblImg[gblOnDeck] = gblStartImg; } // slide next image underneath thediv.style.backgroundImage='url(' + gblImg[gblOnDeck] + ')'; } function setOpacity(obj, opacity) { opacity = (opacity == 100)?99.999:opacity; // IE/Win obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:"+opacity+")"; // Safari<1.2, Konqueror obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = opacity/100; // Older Mozilla and Firefox obj.style.MozOpacity = opacity/100; // Safari 1.2, newer Firefox and Mozilla, CSS3 obj.style.opacity = opacity/100; }